
    Rapid Business Diagnostic: Cut costs and drive performance through Customer Analysis

    The current economic climate is challenging for many businesses. To weather the storm, you need to cut costs, drive profitability, meet customer demands and streamline operations – fast. 

    Our Rapid Business Diagnostic is designed to deliver real-world results, quickly, and with a price point that is extremely affordable. Performance improvements that not only support short-term survival but deliver long-term success. 



    Rapid Business Diagnostic: The Process 


    Icons-5Step 1. Initial Consultation
    Meet for an hour with one of our expert consultants to discuss your unique circumstances. We will cover the process in detail and ensure you understand how we quickly identify savings and other benefits for delivery. There is zero risk and no obligation to continue after the consultation. 

    Icons-10Step 2. Business Health Check
    The approach blends interviews, survey information and data analysis to provide an initial prognosis and an indication of the benefits that can be realised. We will produce a high-level report covering indicative opportunities. This phase is exceptionally low cost and enables you to achieve a high degree of certainty over savings, and confidence that improvements can be made.

    14. Icons 7Step 3. Detailed Diagnostic
    A thorough deep dive into Finance, Customer, and Operations aspects of your organisation using detailed analysis to pinpoint specific opportunities that can be delivered for significant tangible benefits.
    We will prioritise opportunities for maximum traction and provide you with detailed action plans for implementation. This will equip you with precisely what to do, how to do it, and data backed evidence of the tangible benefits 

    Customer Analysis, Part of Phase 3 in Detail


    Understanding customer preferences, feedback, and market dynamics is instrumental in driving revenue, mitigating the cost of customer service handling, and fostering long-term retention and success. Customer analysis as a pivotal element of our Rapid Business Diagnostic. It offers invaluable insights and actions to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth. In this blog I will explore the key steps involved in our customer analysis part of our Rapid Business Diagnostic.

    You might also be interested in my other blogs which explore the other aspects of Phase 3 of our Rapid Business Diagnostic: Finance Analysis and Operations Analysis.

    Understanding the core elements of your customers is crucial to building a clear picture of how your business is performing, and what we would expect to see based on our best practice experience.

    We will build a clear picture for you of the specific opportunities we find, how these quantify to improvement benefits, and how these can be realised.

    Some of the key elements we will assess are as follows:

    Meeting customer needs 

    Understanding if your organisation’s services and processes are designed to meet your customer needs is fundamental to long-term success, to customer retention, customer growth and to reducing the cost base of your business.

    Customer Personas & Needs: Understanding who your customers are, and what they need, is the first crucial step. This allows you to understand if you are delivering the right things in the right ways to fulfil and even delight your customers. Our assessment can be completed through surveys, interviews, and social media reviews. Addressing customer needs effectively can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Customer Journey and Channel Analysis: Mapping out the entire customer journey helps to identify touchpoints where customers may face friction (frustration and pain), allowing you to optimise the customer experience for better satisfaction, revenue, and retention. Understanding customer channel performance involves evaluating the effectiveness of various channels through which customers interact with your business, such as face-to-face, telephony and digital. We will assess how these channels perform within the customer journeys, and if there are opportunities to optimise these. 

    Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Analysing customer survey metrics as well as feedback from various channels such as online reviews, social media comments, complaints, and other sources such as customer call listening can provide valuable insights into areas where your business is excelling and where there's room for improvement. This analysis will provide a clear view of what to improve and how.

    Competitive Analysis: Analysing your competitors' offerings to see how they are fulfilling their customers can help to identify gaps and opportunities for you. This involves understanding who the competition is, what they do, how they do it, and how you can differentiate or improve on their offering to attract those customers to your business.

    Customer Analysis Action Plan  

    Once we have conducted the above analysis, we will provide clear opportunities for improvement, all backed by data, prioritised for implementation, together with a clear action plan that shows what to do and how to do it.

    These insights from are compiled into a professional, board-quality report, which can be used with your team, investors, or third parties.

    This will provide everyone involved with the clarity needed to turn your situation around. If you would like us to help you with the hands-on implementation of the plan, we would also be glad to help.

    Find out more about our Rapid Business Diagnostic service and contact us for your free Initial Consultation today.

    Picture of Graham Turnbull

    Graham Turnbull

    Graham is a Managing Partner at Reinvigoration. His reputation for creating and delivering enterprise-wide change is amongst the highest regarded in the industry. He is an expert within all aspects of operations and transformation, challenging the conventional, simplifying the complex, and taking a hands-on approach to delivery – with the P&L results to match. You can get in touch with him directly by Email or connect on LinkedIn.


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